Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Settlers of Catan

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One of the most successful games of all time, Settlers of Catan is a trading and building game set in the mythical world of Catan. Players roll dice to determine which resources are generated each round and then must strategically trade those resources with other players to get what they need to build their settlements, cities, and roads. With multiple ways to gain victory points and a board that changes in every play, Settlers of Catan is a game that can be played hundreds of different ways. The base of a hugely successful franchise, with multiple engaging expansions, Settlers is the core game of many collections, and is a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends. For 3 to 4 players.

Technical Details

- All new 4th Edition!!
- New Graphics!!
- New Card Art!!
- New Packaging & Tiles!!
- Full Color Rules Book
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Customer Buzz
 "Settlers of Catan, a great game for friends and family." 2009-11-21
By Winston Lee (Daly City, CA, USA)
Settlers of Catan is a very dynamic board game which offers tons of fun, and is also a good way to teach basic economics.

The board game is made up of 19 hexes arranged roughly in a circle. There are 6 different types of hexes. 5 of them produce resources while the 6th (desert hex) does not.

Each hex has a number token placed on it. Using 2 dice, when the number of a hex is rolled, settlements located on the vertices of that hex will produce resources.

Using the 5 types of resources, players aim to build roads to expand and build more settlements, which in turn can be used to acquire more resources, and later upgrade their settlements to cities. Cities will produce 2 resources for the hex they are situated on.

Each settlement is worth 1 point, and each city is worth 2. The goal is to emerge victorious with 10 Victory Points.

There is another way to acquire resources, and that is through trading. Players can: trade with each other, trade via a port, trade through maritime trade.

Trading with other players benefits those involved but sometimes, they may not have what you need, or simply don't want to trade to you. In this situation, using a port, where a settlement of city is located enables players to trade 2 or 3 of the same resource for the resource desired. Trading through maritime trade is the most costly, because the ratio is 4:1.

In addition to building, players can spend resources to purchase Development Cards. The cards have different effects, which range from earning an additional Victory Point, building 2 roads at no cost, taking all of a specific resource players hold (Monopoly), to using the Knight Card to move the Robber to a different hex and steal a resource from a player whose settlement or city is built upon.

There are two other ways to acquire points. The first is via The Longest Road. The player with The Longest Road earns 2 extra Victory Points. The second is via The Largest Army. This involves purchasing Development Cards, and using the Knight Card more than any other player (minimum of 3 Knights must be played).

While there is no limit to the number of resources players can hold, there is a safe maximum amount to hold on to. The magic number is 7. When a 7 is rolled, (the most frequently rolled number) all players who hold 8 or more cards must discard half, rounded down. The turn player then moves the robber to a hex and take a resource card from a player whose settlement is built on. The robber also prevents that hex from producing any resources. This game mechanic enables lagging players a chance to stifle the lead of others and catch up.

The arrangement of the hexes, number tokens and ports can be changed each time (shuffle face down for randomness) to offer a different board layout so the game is never quite the same. The learning curve isn't that steep, but it takes a keen trader and strategist to come out on top.

In my experience, this game is most enjoyable with 4 players (there is an extension set to allow 2 more players to play). Play time is generally about 1-1.5 hours. It is a great way to interact with friends and family members, alongside snacks, drinks and with a sports event or movie playing in the background.

If you're leaning on the fence, on whether to purchase, check out the tons of images online for Settlers of Catan.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found this review helpful.

Customer Buzz
 "My son plays this game for hours!" 2009-11-19
My son was very excited to receive this game and he has played for hours with friends. It is a game that is both educational and fun which truly makes it a winner!

Customer Buzz
 "Better than Monopoly" 2009-11-16
By Gary J. Zawacki (Ct, USA)
This is the type of board game that will appeal to people who play Monopoly and Civilization and many more. There are many add-ons to make the game more interesting after time, but not necessary unless you want to have more players than 4.

If you want a board game that allows a better chance of all being able to win, I would highly recommend this game. Also if possible you should go online and play the demo's so you know exactly how the game works and is played. The game is more complicated to learn than say Monopoly but, not that complicated especially after you see the online tutorial.

One suggestion is game play should be described on a DvD so people without internet could easily understand and when you get a new group to play the game, all could watch and understand the principals of the game. This would make start up a lot easier for the novices.

Overall I gave this game 5 stars and Highly recommend it.

Chee the DamN GnOmE Necromancer

Customer Buzz
 "Settlers of Catan" 2009-11-11
By M. Rummler (South Carolina)
My son is a board game fanatic and loves this game. It is engaging for all players, not just the one taking his turn, and it doesn't take all night to finish.

Customer Buzz
 "Settlers is good" 2009-11-01
By Karl Stock
While it's a little confusing to have to keep track of the 4 - 6 player extension packs (I think they should just sell the game as a 6-player version) this is a lot of fun to play if you have a free afternoon with the family.

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